Monday 17 August 2015

No running :(

Well it appears that my legs of a 90 year old were due to being injured.  My ankle is swollen and I decided that cycling everywhere was my best option yesterday, as it took me so long to limp around. I've always been very fortunate in the past, in that I don't really get injured, I get niggles and just take it easy for a few days and then its back to training.  But this is a proper injury, there's swelling and pain, so I need to be a bit more cautious and attentive to my poor ankle.  I've had a massage, iced it, worn a compression bandage and I've now got some resistance bands to play with once the swelling goes down.  I feel like a proper athlete.  I was supposed to be running a local 5K tomorrow but looking forward to cheering on my husband and other club friends instead.  Sometimes it takes an injury to make you realise how much you actually love running but in the meantime, you can still be involved.

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